Admission to School
Hevingham and Marsham primary partnership operates an Admissions policy as recommended by Norfolk Education Authority. We have a maximum intake of 15 children per year giving an overall capacity of 105 children at Hevingham and 5 children per year group at Marsham giving an overall capacity of 35. Our admissions policy to the Reception Class reflects the Norfolk LA admissions policy.
- By law, children must start statutory education full-time at the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday. All parents of children born between 1st September 2016 and 31st August 2017 must be offered a full time place from September 2021. Parents are entitled to defer their admission or request that their child attend on a part-time basis during the corresponding academic year and no later than the beginning of the term after their fifth birthday.
- At Hevingham and Marsham Primary schools where part-time admission is the preferred option the session times are as follows:
8.50am – 12.00. each day.
In exceptional circumstances where children have specific needs, and at the discretion of the Head teacher, parents may request a more flexible approach.
Parents may increase the number of sessions their child attends, after discussion with the class teacher. If parents wish to do this, we ask that they do so by slowly building up over a number of weeks, adding in Monday afternoon, then Tuesday afternoon and so on. This makes it much easier to plan teaching and learning for the children and to ensure that as many children have access to the full range of provision.
We are able to admit children to any year group at any time of the year providing that space within that year group exists. If you are interested in visiting the school to meet us and see us at work then please do not hesitate to contact us through the school office.
Local Authority: 0344 800 8020