Eaton Vale

The year 5 and 6 children from Hevingham and Marsham have had an amazing few days at Eaton Vale, enjoying a range of activities.  As well as the slide show on the homepage, please take the time to enjoy the photos which have been placed in the ‘Residential Visits’ section within the ‘School Events’ drop down bar along the top of the page.  Mrs Pickering will be sure to update the pictures as she receives them.

Online Safety

Take a look at our new page on Online Safety. There are lots of tips and information for families about keeping safe when online. Also, take a look at the new Forest School page showing the children at Marsham taking part in learning outdoors in the newly set up Dandelion Nursery.

Art Family Learning Day

Take a look at the photographs of our Art Family Learning Day. The children thoroughly enjoyed teaching the classes and were very good at encouraging children to use their Growth Mind-sets to always try their best and have a positive ‘I Can’ attitude. They gave some excellent feedback to each other on how to improve their work  and planned the lessons from scratch. A big well done to everyone involved.  Look at the Class Pages for more information.

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to the new term, and new year. The children have settled in quickly and are enjoying their new immersive classrooms. We are focusing on ‘How Children Learn’ and ‘Growth Mind-Sets’ this term. We are also celebrating each one of our schools Values in assemblies each month. The Value for the month of January is Hope.

I hope you will take a look at our new ‘Achievement’ section under ‘Our School’ which contains a link to Government Initiatives IQ which recognises Marsham Primary School as a Top Performing and Improving School based on the latest Ofsted report and achievement over the past three years.