Circus Ferrel

We are very excited to announce that there will be a Big Top Circus on the Hevingham school field from the 19th – 21st September with two exciting shows.  The children from both Hevingham and Marsham will completing workshops and will be given the opportunity to perform in the shows.  Tickets are available to purchase from the school office (as well as from the tent 20 minutes before each show starts) and a letter explaining the event in more detail will be sent home soon after returning in September.  Please feel free to bring family and friends as the company does not charge the school for their service.  They make their profit on tick and merchandise sales alone.

Spread the news as we want to fill the tent for each show!

Our Talking Text

This half term Owl Class are learning about different types of instructions. We are learning a new Talking Text called ‘How to make a magic potion’

Ask your child to read it to you, complete with actions.


Ordering Uniforms


Please go to the newsletter section of the website to find out about ordering school uniforms for September.  The deadline is the 4th July.


Please order your uniforms at the school office.


Thank you