Crocodiles Class – Our theme this term is “Cities”

2015-09-03 09.38.44 2015-09-03 09.39.06 2015-09-03 09.39.14 2015-09-03 09.39.49Over half the people in the world currently live in cities around the world. What makes a city a city? What is it like for the people who live in them? Why do people live in cities? These are some of the questions we will attempt to think about this term…

Henry Blogg

The children have been researching the history of Henry Blogg.  They discovered many interesting facts prior to our visit to his museum at Cromer.

Our new class pets

On Friday 18th September, we went on a trip to Pets at Home to buy some pet guinea pigs for our class. We called them Bubbles and Flower-Squeaker. They are brilliant!

Pets At Home Visit

Year 5 and 6 Elements theme


This term, we have based our learning around ‘the Elements’, with the key question for our learning being:

Are the elements a help or a hindrance?

Penguin Class – Ocean Theme

Here are some picture of our ocean themed classroom.  It was lovely to see the children’s and parent’s faces as everyone arrived on the first day of term!  Thank you for coming to class and sharing stories with your child(ren) at the end of the day.

On the radio!

Mr Dick Hutchison visited out school recently to interview the children.  They were asked, ‘What super power they would most like and why?’.

Our learning environment

While we are learning about the theme of Animals, our classroom is following our learning path! We currently have a Veterinary clinic role play area, a bird Avery, an underwater animals area and a wild animals area.

Welcome to Owl Class

We have been very busy settling into Owl Class. Our big question is ‘why do we need animals?’

Class 2 Learning

We learn in lots of different ways!