Family Learning Art Day




Year 5 and 6 had a fantastic day teaching the rest of the school. We have been thinking about the big question: ‘Are Shipwrecks always a disaster?’ We planned and created our own Shipwreck watercolour pictures. The children explained to the rest of the school how to create different shades and effects.

Mythical Creatures!

This term we are learning about Mythical Creatures! Our philosophical question is ‘Where might we find Mythical Creatures?’ We will have a big Geography focus whilst considering where all of the wonderful Mythical Creatures might live? We will also be researching their physical appearance and what they like to eat!


Spring Term Theme “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”

Our theme in Crocodiles this term is

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

and our key philosophical question is

“Is imagination more important than knowledge?”

As part of this work we have read the book by C S Lewis, listened to an audio play and watched the film. In literacy we also looked at play-scripts and wrote our own. After half term we went on a visit to the Theatre Royal in Norwich and had a back stage tour to find out what is involved in putting on a full scale performance. later this half term we will go on to create our own animations or shadow puppet plays.

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Penguin Class – Art Family Learning Day

Thank you to all who attended the Family Learning Day on Wednesday 3rd February.  The children had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed exploring various artistic techniques.

Penguin classes art focus was Gustav Klimt’s ‘Tree of Life’.



Klimt lived between 1862 – 1918.  His work was very different to other artists of his era, particularly his ‘Golden Phase’ and was often seen and judged negatively due to its bright colours and use of gold leaf.  One of his most well-known pieces was called ‘The Kiss’.

This half term the children have been drawing the ‘Tree of Life’ by following a six step process before colouring.  Before beginning to draw the children discussed the meaning of the piece of which they decided that they tree represented memories.  The tree holds the memories, with the mushrooms being the long term memories that cannot be forgotten and the colours (or leaves) on the ground represented the forgotten memories.

Here are some examples of the children’s work they have developed so far.  The final pieces will be available to view at our art gallery which will be held before the Easter break (date to follow).

To help the school experience the work each class has been doing throughout this half term we allowed the children from both Hevingham and Marsham to move around and have a go themselves, always considering the benefits of Austin’s Butterfly and growth mindset.  The children worked amazingly and offered one another some reassuring and beneficial advice to further improve and develop their drawings.  Here are some pictures and quotes from this workshop.

“If we get things wrong we can listen to our partner and think about the parts we need to improve.” – Harry Douglass (Year 3/4)

“You need to make this line darker so it stands out more.” – Reece Norman (Year 5/6)

“I looked at the way the branches moved and gave it a go my own way.  You need to be careful with your spirals.” – Hannah Burt (Year 3/4)

“Look at Eli’s.  He’s improved on that one to that one.  I think Mrs Pickering will like this second one.” – Luca Upton (Year 3/4)

“You’re doing really well but if you do more curls and make it come out a bit more the colours will stand out.” – Kayla Frost (Year 1/2)

“What a lovely afternoon.  Every sketch and pastel picture I saw was so pretty.  Very talented children.” – Sally B (Mum)

“Very interesting to see young and old children confidently leading and guiding older and younger children within today’s sessions.” – L Findlay (Mum)

Nocturnal Animals – 14.1.16

Easton College Farm

On Monday 9th November, Owl class and Piglet class visited Easton College Farm. In the morning, we had a tour of the farm and met all of the animals they have there. Our guide told us about how they look after each of the animals and why they keep them on the farm. We got to stroke a week old chick!

After lunch, we enjoyed wet felting, grinding wheat into flour and making oil from the oil seed rape plants.

It was a brilliant day and we didn’t get too wet!

Cattery Visit

On Monday 5th October we went to the cattery in Hevingham. Karen told us all about how they look after cats while people go on holiday. Then we met some of the cats.

Santo the Guide Dog

On Friday 2nd October we had a very special visitor! His name was Santo and he’s a guide dog. His owner, Robert, told us all about how Santo helps him and why he needs Santo. It was very interesting and we learnt lots!


We had a visit from two local lifeguards.  They told us the meaning of each flag which we later practised outside.  We also looked at the clothing they wore for different situations.

Red and yellow = Safe to swim between these two flags as lifeguards are watching.

Black and white = Dangerous waters, no swimming.

Sock flag = No inflatables as you can be carried away by the tide.

Our Learning Environment

We are using our outdoor environment to help us with our learning!  Our philosophical question this term is – Why do we need to protect our environment?  All of our work is based around this question.