Our Talking Text

This half term Owl Class are learning about different types of instructions. We are learning a new Talking Text called ‘How to make a magic potion’

Ask your child to read it to you, complete with actions.


Kestrel Class Music Performance

Year 5 and 6 UEA science-orama!

On Wednesday the 8th June, we traveled by coach to the INCREDIBLE new Eco building at the UEA.

When inside the futuristic cool design, we learnt about flowering plant’s life cycles, how your heart loves berries due to anthrocyanins (ask the children!) and how plants have been used for millennia to treat and sooth illnesses.

All in all, and excellent trip, and the children loved looking a round a busy happy campus.


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Daily Mile

Piglet Class are really enjoying taking part in the Daily Mile!

Crocodiles Class travel back in time (…to 1896)

On Tuesday our class visited Great Cressingham Victorian School. Our teacher for the day was Miss North who said as we were about to leave “You may have been learning about the Victorians but today…you have been  Victorians”. The stove was lit and  we spent the morning doing drills, chants, reading, writing and mathematics, we learnt songs and sang them as Miss North played the accordian and the harmonium. It was a very interesting experience to listen to the ticking of the clock, hear the scratching on slates and think about how different our classrooms are nowadays.


This term our philosophical question is ‘Why did we invent machines?’ We will be thinking about different types of machines and what they can do for us.

Our learning environment includes a time machine, a transport area, a construction site, a rocket and a human sized robot that the children made!

“Who do you think you are?” Local history in Crocodiles immersive environment

As part of our theme this term we are reading the book ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty. This book is based around the story of Jim Jarvis who was the street child who was befriended by Dr Thomas Barnardo and was the inspiration for his work with the poor and deprived children of Victorian London. Jim and fellow street urchins were sleeping up on the roof above a market in east London. While the book is our starting point we want to examine what happened to our locality during Queen Victoria’s reign.

Year 3 Maths practical problem solving