The Year 3/4/5 children from Marsham had a fantastic trip to the Sainsbury Centre of Visual Arts. It began with a tour around the gallery, some sketching of objects and then ended with the children taking part in a workshop to create their own masks. The children had a brilliant time learning about different portraits and the purpose of masks.
Marsham Class Galleries
Our Class Treat
Mario and Ginger Ninja!
We have learnt the Continents and Oceans of the world!
Mythical Creatures!
This term we are learning about Mythical Creatures! Our philosophical question is ‘Where might we find Mythical Creatures?’ We will have a big Geography focus whilst considering where all of the wonderful Mythical Creatures might live? We will also be researching their physical appearance and what they like to eat!
Our Learning Environment
We are using our outdoor environment to help us with our learning! Our philosophical question this term is – Why do we need to protect our environment? All of our work is based around this question.
Pets At Home Visit
Our learning environment
While we are learning about the theme of Animals, our classroom is following our learning path! We currently have a Veterinary clinic role play area, a bird Avery, an underwater animals area and a wild animals area.
Class 2 Learning
We learn in lots of different ways!
Class 2 Bedtime reading cafe
Our teacher’s read stories in the evening at our fabulous bedtime reading café!