Currently our school is shut for most of our children, however we are continuing to support our key worker parents by caring for their children when they need to attend work. This is due to the government advice and nationwide response to the current Coronavirus pandemic.
Work is being emailed to families weekly and we are keeping in touch by phone calls. An email has been sent home to help remind you of how to keep your children safe on the internet, please also see our internet safety newsletters (available on this website). If you have any concerns please email the office and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you require the schools to support you as you are a key worker, please email the office or myself immediately. Do not ring the schools and leave a message as the answer phones are not being checked daily.
We are missing our children and families greatly and are appreciating the communications that we are having with you all. Stay safe, keep washing your hands and we will see you all soon.
Mrs Board