- Ezmay the Chinchilla
- Octavia the Tarantula
- Octavia the Tarantula
- Horace the Uromastyx Lizard
- Georgina the Tenrec
- Jabba the Bullfrog
- Ezmay the Chinchilla
- Hardy the Milk Snake
- Ezmay the Chinchilla
- Hector the Crocodile Gecko
- Hardy the Milk Snake
- Bert the Millipede
- Bert the Millipede
- Horace the Uromastyx Lizard
- Hardy the Milk Snake
- Speedy the Giant Snail
- Elvis the Scorpion
- Jabba the Bullfrog
- Speedy the Giant Snail
- Elvis the Scorpion
- Jabba the Bullfrog
- Georgina the Tenrec
- Hardy the Milk Snake
- Ezmay the Chinchilla
- Speedy the Giant Snail
- Ezmay the Chinchilla
- Jabba the Bullfrog
- Octavia the Tarantula
- Horace the Uromastyx Lizard
- Hardy the Milk Snake
- Hardy the Milk Snake
- Hardy the Milk Snake
- Georgina the Tenrec
- Bert the Millipede
- Elvis the Scorpion
- Octavia the Tarantula
- Ezmay the Chinchilla
- Ezmay the Chinchilla
- Horace the Uromastyx Lizard
- Ezmay the Chinchilla
- Georgina the Tenrec
- Jabba the Bullfrog
- Hardy the Milk Snake
- Hector the Crocodile Gecko
- Ezmay the Chinchilla
- Hector the Crocodile Gecko
- Horace the Uromastyx Lizard
- Hardy the Milk Snake
- Jabba the Bullfrog
- Bert the Millipede
- Elvis the Scorpion
- Hardy the Milk Snake
- Speedy the Giant Snail
- Octavia the Tarantula